Aw, shucks. Thanks for wanting to know more about me.

Luis Vazquez

Here are a few things you should know:

  1. I recently gave all my money away.
  2. I can breakdance.
  3. I created a free workshop on selling and write weekly articles.
  4. I’m a Mexican introvert who uses introversion like a superpower and can flex extroverted muscles when needed.
  5. I created KiwiJar, a website that helps people discover museums (project no longer active).
  6. People say that if I were an animal, I’d be a wolf or squirrel.
  7. I’m an undercover nerd who’s also a freelance full-stack developer.
  8. I’m a big fan of transparency and authenticity.
  9. I like beanies.

If you have a question for me, send me an email or shoot me a DM on Instagram (links are in footer).

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